Saturday, August 10, 2013

Sometime ! When Holding On Is All You Can Do

When holding on is all you can do, and it seem like nobody is there but you. Sometime you just don't want to hear it one more time it's going to be alright. No sometime you just want to hear someone say you have a right to what you are feeling.

Yes! I have no idea what you are going through, and yes it is going to be hard but, I'm here. And what every it take to get you through this, you can call on me. You may not reach me the first time but don't stop trying, and together we will  find our way.

Sometime people don't realize it's not the holding on that hurt, it's never seeing  anyone helping you up.

When you fail who help you up?
How long did you have to wait for your hand up.

                    What are we missing?
                      Are we just waiting on the next one in line or is it our time to reach down.

                                            Time keep on moving.
                                           When someone is in need,  it may not be right now thing for you,
                                                 but for them it is a right now need.

Monday, July 22, 2013

When You Fail Us We Continue To Be Failure By Your Hands Only!

When You Honor Us  Others See Honor In You And Become Honorable. When You Take Away Our Rights! Lives Are For Ever Changed.          We Do Have Rights!  Don't We???
Why was my family's right not enough, that you did not even call or get back to us, as to what we could do on this difficult subject. To the Madison County High School. is there not an oath that your teacher are to up hold, are there not rules and regulation LAWS???? To the Madison County DFAS is there not an oath that your emploryee are suppose to up hold, are there not rules and regulation LAWS???? To the Madison County Sheiff's Office are your emploryee not to up hold a code of laws and an oath! Why is justice not justice for all????

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Your Life Is Valued

                       Your Life Is Valued

Yes! You  are valued from the top of your head to the tips of your feet. Yet most of us know now, you we will never meet. Yet you have be given to us a gift  from above to shine a great light upon the whole wide world.

Yes! You have become more than a number. As the crowns cry out!  Justise For Trayvon Martin in unity. Some don't like it and other cry out unjust, what gives them the right to make such a fuss.
Why is it when we start to unite? And take for each other, because we do have the rights.

 When other cry out louder unjust and unfair, then look away and no one cares. Just as this verdict had been revealed. Once again this great justice systerm have chose to close they eyes. Knowing justise for some has never prevail. And for us once again justice has failed. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

So Many Times The Help Is Never In Position

Hello everyone how's day going? As I was on my morning  walk today . I had a chance to listen in on the radio shows that bring us some of  the most entertaining, as well as the show that always keep us informed.
Today on the show the Host talked to a mother that was reaching out to other Mother who had lost they sons through gun violence.  To you Mother my prayers go out to you.

Let's help  put and end to gun violence. It's the pain between the person and the handle. The damage is done once the gun is in they hands!  Stop The Violence! Take guns out of hurting hands. And Help Heal The Hearts Of Those Who Have Loss Love Ones!

It's time that the states gov. make sure that all of the programs that they are funding have the right people in position. There are so many time peolpe are reaching out for help and come to  these programs and the workers are so disconnected with the human need. Many times they have never walked on the other side of the track. There are some position that should never have cold and callus, but someone who thinks . What if this was me??
 Here's your shout out to the Tom Joyer Morning Show!   Mr. Tom  Joyer,  Mr. J Anthony Brown, and Ms. Sybil Wilkes.      Thank You Guys for all you do!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

At The Feet Of This Mountain

                 + + + + "  We Praise you Oh LORD! "+ + + +

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Just what does the oath in schools, mean here in Georgia?

And I'm talking about only the schools I have had to deal with here in my are. Time to take a close look at the oath!! Or those who are to up hold it!
Had justice been where it was suppose to be. I have no doubt in my mind, our lives would have been so much better than it has turned out to be. Had those who were to up hold the laws and the oath did what was right. When I came forward with such a difficult subject. 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Happy Father's Day

Great Fathers learn how to Love from !                        the

                      " FATHER "
Connect and have a great Father's Day!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

All Is Welcome!

The time is now to make a change New Day! New Light! New Life!!! No need to go it alone!Join Us

           Standing In The Gap

Finding yourself with no place to go. Come out to Worship we us

Where: Standing In The Gap            1012 South Main Street

When: Sunday School 9:30am           Conyers, Georgia 30012-0552

     Worship Service 11:00am            If you have the right beats! Step to Me
                                                                 Meet  Me There!

Add caption

Monday, May 27, 2013

For Those Who Served This Day We Honor You!

                                        For words  what you can not see in the art work, It read as.
To The Most High I Give The First Praise. As we extend our hands on this very special day. I give honor to family and friends who have given their all.
To the Family we join in with you in honoring you gifts of love!
For they give their life and live for other.
Thank You! 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Yes! It That time Of The Year. Here! Here! ToThe Graduating Class Of 2013

The time of year when they,  take the walk of finding their place in this great big plains, of LIFE, I would say pain, but, they don't know the half of it. After thinking they knew it all for most of their high school years. Here it is and they start back as rookie in the game of LIFE, for only a few are really. For LIFE is not a game at all.

For what they have learned is with in them, and what was never taught they may never comprehend. The last 12 years for some 9, other 10. comes to a close of these last few weeks and the books will for ever end. For what, thatthey  take away will not take them far, the learning of yesterday has long been lost. No wills, no want, no drive, no cost. For real  LIFE is not a game at all.

For those of you who are on your way may you journey far and near, high and low. May you ride beyond your  most amazing dreams. May you find the things that fill your heart will the greatness of HIS love.


To All Of Class   2013

Monday, May 20, 2013

Hey! A Few Weeks And We're Half Way Through The Year.

Yes! Only two weeks away and this year is half way out the door. What a year it has been, it started  with the unbelievable storms. Not only was there storms in the weather, there were stroms in our lives.
The first month of the year has not come to an end, and there was not one but two school shooting. So mind exhausting. The first shooting come and you just can not think but not again. And before we can get our mind around this shooting another shooting take place. This shooting was the most deadly of little innocent lives, and you can not stop here it take you back to 911 and once again we will never forget.  
And my heart cried out and I put it in a song, with the title  "Mending Hearts" Because we must find a way to put and end to this senseless killimg in our community,schools,and homes. We once could said things happen because people are in the wrong place at the wrong time. We can not say this any more.
Those who have the guns find the time and they fine the place. We must find the time and find a way as well. To stop these senseless killing. It's not over,

"Mending Hearts"
come back and we will talk real soon.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Today Not Just Another Day!

Hello! Today is not just another day, it a day that we give thanks for just to  see the bright sunshine, or you maybe where it is raining at this time. But let us take this time and give thanks. For there are those who will never feel the sun rays on the side of their face, and they can never taste the rain in the up coming summer showers. For there are some who did not get up when the sun rose, and the alarm ring out this morning.

                             Not much do I have to give

Not much do I have to give, Just my life and the way I live. And if only one word touch your heart, that you may hear about the greatness of HIS love. A love so sweet, a love so pure, and of a son's love that died for you and me.
I'm a long ways form where I should be, but as I look around I not where I was, The doors are wide open, and I'm free to be me. Knowing that my FATHER in heaven is watching oh so close over me.
So if you are there and feeling unloved know that GOD watching over you and know that you are loved.
So get up and start finding your way knowing at this time, today is not the day. So what we do form this day forward is up to us. So take this day, and know it is not  the day, and the best is on the way.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Can You See It!


Can you see it? It’s in the air,  Where did it come from? Why should we care?  

You can not see it! Yet it is there. We only feel it, It’s in the air.

It pass through time, from heart to heart. From mind to mind , from thought to thought.

Not near or far  can keep it away! When the time is right it comes our way.


Not very far away, sometime very close, It’s the first thing to arrive and It linger the most.

Where did it come from? Why  should we care? We only feel it, It’s in the air.

Where did it come from? Why is it here? All I know is while you are here,

My heart is very heavy and so are me fears!  Who am I to you   ????????  

It come in all  forms and season. To those of you who have never given birth, don't you hold your head down for there is a time and place for all things. Just because you have a not yet, does not mean a NO! 
For you see some of us feel a loss for other reason a time a place even this season. Yet all is not lost.
So hold on to that not yet, For no is not an end,.
Love will find away.

 Linda Craig                                             Ga.           Hello my name Linda Craig and this is my poem foe January 2013. As I write this I do so with a warm heart So many things are going on in the world today. From day to day we have so much lose on every side of our life.

So with the being said, let’s have a little fun with this hit me up on twitter at linda Craig.   Who am I to you ? And let’s give this poem a name! When you listen to the words!  What does it say to you!          

Thursday, May 9, 2013

May showers bring snakes, bugs,and bees.

The month of May is here and what a great time of the year it is. We welcome the shinesun , the rain, the heat and the pain. We share the love from my heart to your, We've learned to say I love you, no the color of one's skin does not stop pure love,  nor the position one hold on a job. For love come from with in.

Love does not care about the stat, it does not see the graft, or the numbers. Love fright for it's survival. Love find away. And when it is all  over and there is no love found, pure love was never there. For love knows love.

May showers what will you bring the bugs, the flowers and all the creepy crawly things.Such beautiful things that May will bring like the snakes, the bugs, and love the birds and the bees!

Love Is In The Air!                     
                              Happy Mother's Day! 

Monday, April 29, 2013

If You Knew It Then?

If you knew it then would you have changed your plans. Or would you have just walked away! For on this day there are so many tears as our love ones drift away. If only we knew the day is the day and tomorrow is forever changed.

 Or  would we hold them close,  afraid to let go, not knowing what the day may bring. Yes if we knew that today was the day we would hold on tight and not let them go. knowing this gift sent from above  on this day would very soon be taken away.

After the smoke cleared only the sounds of the yelling, cry, and the tears. What could have happen, what just went wrong, nothing left but lives for ever changed. Today, seven day after the loss of  a peace in our land, an unjust in our hearts, unlikely, unknown, for ever changed time and space of what was to be a great day will be a day once again of remembrance. As we find our place and continue to move forward.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What's on your mind this day? Talk to me.

What's on your mind this day?? Anyone?? They talk about the jobs and the economy having low numbers. There are jobs all around and there are people who are willing and are ready to work.

Community Programs:
If there are vacant untenanted building in your community area the owners should have a tax added on for community programs fund or restore these building for community programs of some kind to help grow the economy.
Community programs were such a big part at one time. Now every one has their own programs, and the fees are set so high that the very community that they are in makes it unattainable to the ones who would like to be apart of it as well.

Let's put the community back to work,  Renew the community. New JOBS, New Hopes, And NEW DREAMS!

How many basketball court in your playground area? You have Tennis court???? Just saying!!!!
I hate you, I love you! Talk soon sunshine!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Justice Not Justice For All

Why is Justice not Justice for All?  Why aren't the Rules the same for All? When we make it the Rule, Justice for All the change that we need will come. We need and over haul when there are people in the same job placement for year, after year it  sometime make it easy for them to just go along with what ever is said or being done at the time. 

You can look at it anyway you want to. you see it over and over again. Same situation two different out come. Until we STAND together. Until we STAND together. Until we STAND   TOGETHER!

             Justice Is Not Justice For All!
 And The Rules Do Not Apply To All The Same!

UnJust Rules Where Justice Should Be!!

      Have UnJust knock At Your Door?

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Just Keep On Moving

Just when I think the storms are over another come my way. All I know is to keep moving on, I've come to far to stop now!  

Don't YOU stop!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

February The Month of LOVE!!!

Hello! February,  I go out of the week in a bang!!!! There has been a few degrees of heat in this week, not all was good heat. But there was that  one  area of grey that was so hot!!!.
but this is the month of LOVE right!!! Hot!!! Hot!!!!! Hot!!!!!!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

When you have done all you can do!

When you have  done all you can do, you stand, sit or what ever , that's it . have you ever had a day like that. Last week I had that day It kncok at my door  and after all was said and done.And no one was listing in the first place. I know I had done all I could do. It was a done deal!!!!!!

It was going to happen sooner are later. Have you ever had one of those time you try to tell someone something. And they just don't listen. The harder I try to talk to them the more they didn't want to listen so I stop talking. It is a great change for me ! Hope they are listing, where they are at now! be blessed!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tears Do Stop, It Just Take Time!!!

Heart hurting can't take the pain if I start crying ,I may not stop again. How do you dream?  was one day asked!

I dream with my heart so filled with love given to me only by my Father above.

What do you dream, of a home so sweet, a land far away with unending peace!

Yes! that was almost a year ago now and the tears did stop. But the pain that cut so deep sometime still come to the top.

If I only knew then! What I came to know now, I would not ask myself how? When I should ask why? 

So if you ever get that feeling, that something is just now right! that is your enter soul speaking to you it's up to you to get it right!

So don't be like me, I played the fool at this game of life, I loss. 
The very thing I loved so dear end up paying the oddment cast.


Sunday, January 20, 2013

So What's New!

Hey, It been a few day now or OK it's been  weeks and we haven't talk . So what's new. With me, I still haven't got back on track with this weight thing. I just can't  get the scale on my side. Hey, it hasn't gone up and that good.
 Hey! Is there any one else with a hard headed scale? lol. No really I doing all the right things and it's not moving.

And ??? the weather it's has been caz has it not. I loved every minte of it. For a minte I was thinking we were going to jump right over winter like we do the fall of the year. Is it just me or  it's like we are in the summer half the week and the ending we jump into cold weather. I mean hats, coats and the whole 9 yards of dress.

I like it when you meet me half way!

Let's Talk About It soon!

Service day hanging out with my daughter

Hello!  I went out on service day to service. I had to opt. out of one service for another the service I did was to hang out with my daughter. It was her choice so we had breakfast at I-Hop. there go my diet! Oh! what diet? I not on one, but I am working out, walking and changing the way I am eating. I cool!
Any way her choice, was all you could eat pancakes, and I had the 5 mimi silver dollars pancakes, and eggs, I will make up for this this week. Tomorrow morning time to get it poping . Have a bless week and Keep reaching for your goals guys! This is the year!!!! 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Things are not as they seem!

There are time I just don't know why things are not as they seem. I can try something one way and it does not work and go back and try and wow! it's  all good.  I don't have long I'm not at home now so hello and we will talk real soon!  Have a bless night!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

To those of you who have been knocked down!

To those of you who have been knocked down, Good morning!
what do you know? I know this will be my best year in a long time.
It come a time when you just get up, dust yourself off, andgo to it . and that is working at the best you can be. Let's go to work . This is the year! The year for change!! Get  to it! 

Monday, January 7, 2013

Hello,  what a day we are having! so much sun and it's so warn outside  this is really nice.  becareful out there all of you running around with little on. Old man winter is not done yet. and his best friend mr. flu  is  knocking on doors all over the states. Have fun!

You know when you tak a trip out of town!
Is it me, to all of you runners and walkers! Does your walk back home get shorter too, are is it just me? 

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Tell me! What do you know now?

Happy New Year! It's 2013 and the year is off to a great start. Today is 1/5/2013  and here's to looking at you, Here's to the best we can be. It has been a while let's catch up!