Monday, April 29, 2013

If You Knew It Then?

If you knew it then would you have changed your plans. Or would you have just walked away! For on this day there are so many tears as our love ones drift away. If only we knew the day is the day and tomorrow is forever changed.

 Or  would we hold them close,  afraid to let go, not knowing what the day may bring. Yes if we knew that today was the day we would hold on tight and not let them go. knowing this gift sent from above  on this day would very soon be taken away.

After the smoke cleared only the sounds of the yelling, cry, and the tears. What could have happen, what just went wrong, nothing left but lives for ever changed. Today, seven day after the loss of  a peace in our land, an unjust in our hearts, unlikely, unknown, for ever changed time and space of what was to be a great day will be a day once again of remembrance. As we find our place and continue to move forward.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What's on your mind this day? Talk to me.

What's on your mind this day?? Anyone?? They talk about the jobs and the economy having low numbers. There are jobs all around and there are people who are willing and are ready to work.

Community Programs:
If there are vacant untenanted building in your community area the owners should have a tax added on for community programs fund or restore these building for community programs of some kind to help grow the economy.
Community programs were such a big part at one time. Now every one has their own programs, and the fees are set so high that the very community that they are in makes it unattainable to the ones who would like to be apart of it as well.

Let's put the community back to work,  Renew the community. New JOBS, New Hopes, And NEW DREAMS!

How many basketball court in your playground area? You have Tennis court???? Just saying!!!!
I hate you, I love you! Talk soon sunshine!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Justice Not Justice For All

Why is Justice not Justice for All?  Why aren't the Rules the same for All? When we make it the Rule, Justice for All the change that we need will come. We need and over haul when there are people in the same job placement for year, after year it  sometime make it easy for them to just go along with what ever is said or being done at the time. 

You can look at it anyway you want to. you see it over and over again. Same situation two different out come. Until we STAND together. Until we STAND together. Until we STAND   TOGETHER!

             Justice Is Not Justice For All!
 And The Rules Do Not Apply To All The Same!

UnJust Rules Where Justice Should Be!!

      Have UnJust knock At Your Door?